Notata Clams
Mercinaria mercinaria genetic variations
Notata strain
Years ago in Barnegat Bay (as well as other areas) where aquaculture is important, clam farmers have bred specialized versions of these clams to be distinguished in the marketplace.
These are similar to common “wild type” Mercinaria clams but that their shells have distinctive markings.
These are known as the notata variety or strain of hard clam.
Notata markings:
Chestnut-colored, chevron chevron -shaped (” zig – zag”) markings.
They could be prominent or faint. Over the whole shell, closer to the umbo (older growth) or in the area of newer growth.
Is it a color variation, genetic stain of subspecies?
That still remains to be seen.
Fun Fact: The notata colors in hard clams naturally occur about 2% in the wild.
The 2% number may have been accurate in the past but clam farmers have purchased seed clams with notata marking and environmental groups have raised clams to put back into the bay.
If you clam by Island Beach or LBI odds are at least 20% or more of you harvest will be notata.