Links to Barnegat Bay related websites
Barnegat Bay Partnership – one of 28 Congressionally designated National Estuary Programs throughout the United States working to improve the health of nationally significant estuaries.
Reclam The Bay– a grass roots organization. Our volunteers enjoy hands on experiences to help repopulate the bay with shellfish and help kids and adults understand what they can and should do to keep the environment clean and friendly
Fish Hawk’s Saltwater Anglers Club – Established on April 6, 1977. The common goal was to form social fishing club, dedicated to good sportsmanship, preservation of the marine environment, and safeguarding our natural resources
Tuckerton Seaport located in the heart of historic Tuckerton with charming shops and restaurants, this one-of-a-kind attraction showcases the Jersey Shore’s maritime traditions of the past and present which are brought to life through people, exhibits and hands-on activities.
Save Barnegat Bay Founded in 1971 with the mission to restore and protect the Barnegat Bay and its ecosystem
Jacques Cousteau National Estuarine Research Reserve one of the 29 National Estuarine Research Reserves created to promote the responsible use and management of the nation’s estuaries through a program combining scientific research, education, and stewardship.
Barnegat Lighthouse State Park located at the northern end of Long Beach Island. This quaint little borough of less than one square mile has a winter population of a little more than 700 and hasn’t changed much over the last century.
NJ State Fish and Game Links
Shellfish classification of New Jersey’s costal waters.
Charts of approved, seasonal and prohibited waters and regulation information about gathering shellfish.—–
Color Charts
NJDEP NSSP Monitoring Network Interactive Map Classification (point, clock, zoom)
New Jersey Shellfish Harvesting Charts View and print individual charts. (Click on each map area or on the chart labels to view charts)
New Jersey Shellfish Harvesting Charts Growing waters (19 charts)
2020 Recreational Marine Fishing Regulations Summary Sheet
> 2020 NJ Recreational Minimum Size, Possession Limits & Seasons
This Registry is NOT a License. New Jersey does not have a saltwater license. > NJ Saltwater Recreational Registry Program > NJ Saltwater Recreational Registry Program – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) |
http://www.state.nj.us/dep/fgw/njregs.htm |